The gap between need and care has never been greater in healthcare, a fact that is especially poignant in the face of our current global mental health epidemic. As healthcare organizations, from early stage startups to Fortune 50 companies, scramble to solve issues around access, cost, and health equity, Precision Care has emerged as the frontrunner for a dominant care model.

Precision Care aspires to deliver the right treatment to the right person, at the right time, and in the way they want, so that each individual receives the optimal amount of care (not more or less than they require). Combining elements from Precision Medicine and Stepped Care, Precision Care is behind much of the recent industry consolidation; during 2020 and 2021, several mergers and acquisitions (Headspace & Ginger, Teledoc & Livongo, Amwell & SilverCloud) were driven by the desire to create Precision Care solutions. Companies lacking the elements to deliver this type of model by themselves have been joining forces to more quickly expand their capabilities to execute their Precision Care strategies. 

Intelligent Healing™ is Twill’s disruptive approach to delivering Precision Care

Twill has spent the last several years developing a unique and highly differentiated approach based on the principles of Precision Care, and we call it Intelligent Healing. Intelligent Healing is brought to life in Sequences™, which are condition and cohort-based solutions that we configure for payer, employer, and pharma partners. 

Intelligent refers to sophisticated AI and machine learning that powers and personalizes everything on our clinical-grade platform, including triage algorithms, digital therapy recommendations, and synchronous chats with Taylor, Twill’s AI assistant. As people engage, the platform learns more about them and serves up activities and content likely to be of most benefit.   

Healing with Twill can be self-guided, supported by a community, guided by a coach, or any combination that meets the individual’s needs on their care journey. All interventions are evidence-based, grounded in disciplines like CBT, positive psychology, and mindfulness, to motivate meaningful behavior change. 

Sequences are how we put Intelligent Healing to work for our customers. Each Sequence weaves together Twill’s digital therapeutics and well-being products, care communities, and coaching with third party services and client-specific resources. They can be configured to support any medical condition—to date, we have developed Sequences for pregnancy, MS, and psoriasis, and our first Sequence for mental health, configured for a jumbo global employer, will launch in September.

Sequence journey infographicNote: The above is illustrative of how a Sequence could be configured, but solution components and flow vary based on client needs. Our "no wrong door" approach allows flexibility for where the user journey begins. 

Twill’s open platform enables horizontal integration of applications within a Sequence, resulting in a unified data source for all internal and ecosystem partners, so the solutions deployed can communicate with one another. This interoperable design enables people to seamlessly transition from a Twill solution to a third party offering (and vice versa).     

A more precise, personal, engaging, and effective experience 

Intelligent Healing understands each person's unique health challenges, interests, and preferences, then tailors the care journey accordingly. It simplifies the complex and often frustrating process of finding and accessing care. And we believe that seeing the whole person—how their mental health intersects with their physical health—will drive better outcomes. Twill is pioneering a new era in which care is personal but still scalable, engaging yet effective, and as intuitively connected as the body and the mind.