By now, anyone managing people (or teams of people) knows that mental health in the workplace has become a huge issue.

Adding to the endless stream of data supporting this statement, a Gallup poll in December found that Americans’ self-assessment of their mental health had reached a twenty-year low.

COVID gets a lot of credit for “destigmatizing the need for mental health care.” The argument goes something like, “when everyone is suffering, it’s a lot easier to admit you need help.”

While this sounds great in concept, and may in fact be true for some people, many employees are likely still suffering in silence. At the end of the day, for many, it’s still very hard to admit they need help.

And, if you’re a manager of one of these people, your task is doubly hard. You have to worry about the person, and you have to worry about their job performance. Being a manager who cares and a manager who manages is not always easy.

If you need help identifying if your employees may be struggling with mental health problems, or how to even start to find out if mental health is an issue for your team, have no fear: The Upside Daily is here to help.

In this article, our experts walk you through How to Be an Ally to a Coworker Dealing with a Mental Health Challenge.

The article takes you through six steps to helping the people on your team who are struggling.

  1. Make Time for Small Acts of Kindness
  2. Listen Without Judging
  3. Educate Yourself about Mental Illness
  4. Be Patient, and Don't Press 
  5. Express Genuine Interest and Concern
  6. Practice Self-Kindness

While it's last on the list, practicing self-kindness is critical. Our team also created this video that details out where compassion comes from, with a nod toward starting with being compassionate toward yourself.


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